Modern Slavery Act Statement
This statement is made in compliance with section 54, clause 5 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and relates to our financial year 5th April 2022 to 4th April 2023.
Organisational Structure
KAIA Engineering LTD is an established Air Conditioning and Refrigeration company. We design, install, service and maintain Air Conditioning and Refrigeration systems in London and the South East.
We are a private limited company with one director and company secretary based in Rainham, Kent.
Our supply chain includes the following:
Supply of parts and materials; some of our materials and parts from our suppliers are sourced from other countries. These organisations are clear with their own policies relating to ethical trading, human trafficking and human rights.
Supply of labour; Our company director is our only engineer at the moment and the companies that we out-source electrical jobs to are local businesses who have less than 5 employees.
Sourcing of labour; we are not looking at hiring anyone in this financial year but in the event that we do, our recruitment will be done through advertisements with job advertising companies and will be permanent roles.
Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking
This Modern Slavery statements take into account and complements the following policies:
Employment Policy
Training Policy
Due Diligence
We understand that preventing Modern Slavery is the responsibility of all and we take our responsibility very seriously. We are committed to taking the appropriate steps to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking does not exist in our supply chain:
Ensure that all employees are paid the minimum living wage, have the right to work in the UK and are treated fairly and respectfully.
Ensuring that, if used, all sub-contractors are fully compliant with the UK Employment Law and evidences their awareness.
Including in all of our Terms and Conditions the requirement to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015
Continue to monitor our Suppliers’ practices
All those who are employed by KAIA Engineering receive up to date training on Modern Slavery and are aware of the fundamental principles of the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. They evidence their high level of understanding of the act and the risks that present themselves in our supply chain.
Any new training is provided to all employees by hand as well as being easily accessible on our website. New members of staff are provided with an enhanced training session on Modern Slavery Act 2015 and evidence this understanding with a questionnaire.
We offer additional support and training for any sub-contractor that we use in order to ensure that they are compliant whilst supporting KAIA Engineering.